Welcome back to school Bella Vista Tigers! I hope you all had a great summer break.
This year, we have a new system for getting onto the computers in the lab. Every time you come to the lab, you will have to log onto a computer. AND you need to remember to log out when you leave. Logging out is something new and you it will take a little practice to remember to do it, but it is very important, so if you forget to log out, I will call you back to the lab to log out.
Your teacher and I will teach you how to log onto the computer during your first visit to the lab. I will write the "formula" on the board so you can remember.
Teachers: students will need their student numbers to log in. Also, remember that if you would like a link added to this blog, please email me with the information. Also remember that students can only go to sites on the Internet that are on this blog, so if you need them to go somewhere else, please let me add the site.
I hope you all have a wonderful school year!